Our must-visit attractions

Our must-visit attractions

The Ice Palace

The Ice Palaice  is an iconic location in Quebec City, Canada. It is a grand ice castle, entirely constructed from ice blocks, erected in the Zone Loto-Québec, near Old Quebec.

The palace typically consists of several sections, each offering a different experience for visitors.

Did you know that a single ice block weighs 300 lbs (136 kg), and it takes approximately 2,800 blocks to build the Palace?

The St-Hubert Snow Bath

The St-Hubert Snow Bath is one of the most popular activities at the Quebec Carnival. The activity involves taking a snow bath outdoors while wearing a swimsuit and snow boots.

The activity is a challenge for participants, but it’s also a fun and refreshing experience for those looking to brave the elements and enjoy the Quebec winter.

The Night Parades

The Night Parades are colorful and festive spectacles that provide a unique opportunity to celebrate Quebec’s culture and winter in the company of thousands of other people. Of course, the one and only Bonhomme is present at every performance, and he is celebrated with pride!

The Ice and Snow Sculptures


The Ice and Snow Sculptures, sponsored by Scotiabank, are a family-friendly activity that provides a unique opportunity to discover Quebec City from a different perspective. The sculptures are created by local and international artists and are often inspired by winter themes or elements of Quebecois culture. Simply magical!

The Ice Canoe Race

A flagship activity, the Ice Canoe Race takes place on the frozen waters of the St. Lawrence River, where dozens of teams compete in four categories: Open Elite, Women’s Elite, Mixed Elite, and Sport. Spectators are invited, at each presentation, to watch the canoe race for free on Quays 19 and 21 of the Port of Quebec.
