For a total of 34 days, Gougoune and doudoune will be open from 10 AM to 5 PM, according to the following schedule:
December 21 to January 5 (including December 25 and January 1!) ;
January 11-12 ;
January 18-19 ;
January 25-26 ;
February 1-2 ;
February 7 to 16.
February 7: Mariana Mazza, DJ Danick Bastien and guests at the Opening Show;
February 8: Habstrakt, Tizi, Capozzi, Mvngo, Ben Willo and TomDūno at the Electro Frette UEF (Unity Electro Festival);
February 13: Souldia and Eman at the Hip Hop Evening;
February 14: Sara Dufour and David Pineau at the Franco Evening;
February 15: Karma Kameleons at the 80s After-Parade Evening.
The Quebec Winter Carnival tolerates snacks and non-alcoholic drinks on its sites. Due to current sanitary standards, there will be no areas with seating reserved for consumption on the Carnival sites.